Howard County Foot & Ankle

Effective Ways of Treating Foot and Toe Ulcers

Foot & Ankle Insights
Foot Ulcer Treatment

Individuals who are living with diabetes typically suffer from foot and toe ulcers, as well as infections and other related complications. This condition makes it more challenging for these people since they are at risk of getting hospitalized, or worse, in need of surgery from a foot doctor.

With thousands of individuals needing to get hospitalized due to foot and toe ulcers, there is a need not only to treat these infections but also to prevent these from worsening over time. Below are some ways you can keep these foot ulcers under control.


  • Take Pressure Off the Area of Infection

One of the most important aspects you should remember when it comes to healing foot ulcers is relieving the pressure on the foot. This means that diabetic patients who are dealing with this condition are asked to refrain from walking or standing, especially on the foot concerned.

Doing this hastens the healing process. This certain measure, however, can be somewhat challenging, especially for individuals who lead busy lives. As such, people who need wound care might be asked to wear special gear such as diabetic boots, braces, casts, and the like to reduce the pressure on the foot and the area where the ulcers are.

  • Removing the Dead Skin and Tissue

Dead skin and tissue removal or debridement are essential in addressing foot ulcers because it helps promote recovery. Remember, your wound will not heal properly because dead tissue and debris are unviable in healing.

You need to do this frequently because of two things: you do not want any dead skin or tissue to fester in the dressing and you need to clean the wound anyway. In short, debridement is part of the wound cleaning and healing process.

Keep in mind that debridement may involve the removal of necrotic tissue, calluses, and thickened skin, which may require professional help. Make sure to go to your podiatrist who is experienced in performing surgical, autolytic, mechanical, enzymatic, and maggot debridement.

Foot Ulcer Treatment

  • Practice Preventive Care and Maintenance

Toe ulcers are a common occurrence in diabetes patients, which can later on progress into foot ulcers when not treated properly. The thing about this foot condition is that it is preventable.

Usually, they form due to different factors including irritation and trauma. You can minimize the risks of developing ulcers by avoiding footwear that can increase friction and pressure on your food. Moreover, you should avoid getting into situations where your foot can be exposed to trauma.

Of course, these are not the only reasons ulcers form, but avoiding them can help minimize the chances. Aside from prevention, you should also perform proper wound maintenance to avoid infection, which consists of controlling your blood sugar level, cleaning the wound, protecting it from external exposure, and walking with foot protection.

The Bottom Line

Foot and toe ulcers can be serious conditions that need professional help. If you suffer from these, you should not hesitate to see a foot doctor who knows how to properly perform foot wound care, preventative measures, and maintenance.

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Foot Ulcers,Toe Ulcers
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