Howard County Foot & Ankle

Foot Rash

Foot & Ankle Insights

What are different types of skin rashes that develop on feet? The feet are one of the most common areas to have a rash pop up. Read below to learn more about the common rashes that can appear on your feet. 

Fungal infections, psoriasis and eczema are the most common skin rashes that tend to form on the feet. Treatment varies between the three, even though they have a similar appearance. Therefore, it’s important to receive the right diagnosis so the rash has a chance to clear up quickly.

Common Types of Rashes

  1. FungusAthlete’s foot, or tinea pedis is a scaly, itchy, blistering rash that can appear on the bottoms of your feet and in between the toes. It may present with an odor, although that is less common. Athlete’s foot is usually caused by excessive sweating along with keeping the feet in a dark, warm and moist environment. If you wear closed toe shoes all day that cause sweaty feet, that is the environment this fungus thrives in. Fungal infections can often be treated with an antifungal cream as well as an oral antifungal medication in extreme cases. Wearing bamboo or wool socks can help control the excess moisture on your feet which may predispose you to getting athletes foot. Contact us if your athlete’s foot is not healing or if your itchiness or pain is more than you can handle. 
  2. Eczema– Eczema presents as a dry patchy rash that appears on the tops of the foot. This rash can be very itchy. Scratching can cause this rash to bleed. It is most common in young babies and children. Eczema is usually caused by either an allergic reaction to irritants such as detergents or dyes from clothing or may be hereditary. While most often a long-lasting condition, it usually requires long term treatment with topical steroids and a moisturizing regimen. We can help with this rash as well and sometimes a Dermatologist needs to be brought in for consulting as well. 
  3. Psoriasis– this is a chronic skin condition that often affects a person’s feet, and front of legs. Psoriasis presents as thick, grayish white plaques of skin. While the exact cause of psoriasis is not known, it is autoimmune in nature. Stress, skin infections and tobacco use can trigger psoriasis. Pitting of the toenails may also be seen. While topical steroids may be used, oral medications such as anti-rheumatic drugs are usually the required treatment, as psoriasis as a system issue. While rare, psoriasis may also cause arthritic changes to the feet, which may be severe if left untreated.

While it may be very tempting to self-diagnose and treat skin rashes yourself, it is best to be evaluated by a health care professional. Utilizing the wrong treatment or a delay in treatment may prolong the symptoms and/or make the rash worse. Sometimes a biopsy of the skin rash may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

At Howard County Foot and Ankle, we treat everything from rashes and ingrown toenails to warts and heel pain. Many people come to us for diabetic foot care or simply because they have foot pain or ankle pain and don’t know the cause of it. We handle emergencies such as fractures and infections as well. Dr. Bui performs a wide variety of surgeries and specializes in reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle. You won’t find a better foot doctor than our highly skilled and highly qualified, Dr. Christina Bui! Call or email us to ask any questions you might have. We would love to be your go-to Podiatrist!

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athletes foot,eczema,foot rash,psoriasis
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