Howard County Foot & Ankle

High Blood Pressure & Your Feet

Foot & Ankle Insights

As members of the health care team, we are very concerned about hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, and vascular disease or heart/circulatory problems. Let us discuss the reasons for this concern. First, because you are a patient, we are interested in all aspects of your health and your treatment program. Second, we want to support the goals of high blood pressure detection, treatment, and control.

Hypertension– Hypertension sometimes causes decreased circulation. A careful examination is required to determine if there is a paler than normal skin color, or diminished pulse in feet. These are signs of arterial insufficiency or reduced blood flow. It is important to be aware of swelling in the lower extremities because it may mean that hypertension is contributing to heart disease.

Rheumatic heart disease– People who have had rheumatic heart disease must be protected with prophylactic antibiotics prior to any surgical intervention. Any medication you may be taking for high blood pressure, a heart condition, or for any other reason should be listed to ensure that it does not conflict with medications that may be prescribed in our course of care for your feet.

Diabetes– Diabetes can cause a whole host of problems when it comes to the feet. This condition frequently affects the smaller arteries, resulting in diminished circulation and decreased sensation in the extremities. It’s important to let us know if you have ever been told you have diabetes, particularly if you are taking medication or insulin for this condition.

Ulceration– Open sores that do not heal, or heal very slowly, may be symptoms of certain anemias, including skin cell disease. They may also be due to hypertension or certain inflammatory conditions, but be sure to mention if you have ever had this problem.

Swollen feet– Persistent swelling of one or both feet may be due to kidney, heart, or circulatory problems.

Burning Feet– Although it can have a number of causes, a burning sensation of the feet is frequently caused by diminished circulation.

Control of High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause fatal strokes and heart disease. There are three major areas in which our office can help: 

Detection– We routinely take every patient’s blood pressure and determine if it is elevated.

Treatment– After confirming that blood pressure is elevated and making this information part of the patient’s record, we refer all patients with elevated blood pressure to their primary care physician for diagnosis and treatment.

Long Term Control– We encourage patients in every visit to adhere to treatment, and to monitor reductions in blood pressure, pay attention to any side effects of treatment, and we refer for reevaluation as needed, facilitating long term control.

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control,foot problems,high blood pressure,high bp,uncontrolled blood pressure
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