Howard County Foot & Ankle

What Is Foot Cramps and How to Treat It

Foot & Ankle Insights
How to Treat Foot Cramps

If you have ever tried to stand up and you suddenly feel a sharp pain shoot throughout your foot, then you know how uncomfortable foot cramps can be.

It can temporarily restrict you from using your feet and moving around. When this happens, all you can do is weather it out.

Want to know how to effectively ease the pain caused by foot cramps while also minimizing the frequency and possibility of it happening? Keep reading.

About Foot Cramps

What to Do When You Get Foot Cramps

The most immediate problem you need to solve when you get foot cramps is to relieve the pain. What can you do to minimize the impact of the cramp?

Well, the first thing you should do is do some stretches. It is important to stretch your foot the right way to alleviate the pain. Remember to stretch your foot with force because otherwise, the pain can prevent you from moving it.

You might want to massage your foot to loosen up the muscle. You might also want to move your foot or walk around to achieve the same effect.

If you fail to do some stretches and exercises during the cramp, the good news is that it can go away within a few minutes.

4 Common Causes of Foot Cramps and How to Avoid Them

Treating your foot cramp definitely offers great relief but you need to take the necessary steps to avoid it. Check out these simple ways to minimize foot cramping.

  • Nutrient Deficit

A healthy diet can help with many types of issues. Without this, you can suffer from nutrient deficiency, which can cause foot cramps. Lack of Vitamins B6, D, E, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium can result in this problem.

Eating healthy and balanced meals is your best choice. However, you might also need to look take supplements to get the right amount of your much-needed nutrients. Make sure to consult a doctor to know if you need to take supplements and what kind to take.

  • Excessive Sweating and Urinating

When you urinate or sweat, your body eliminates some nutrients from your body leading to nutrient deficiency. You can sweat excessively in hot weather or while exercising, while you can urinate more when you take or drink diuretics like some medications and caffeinated beverages.

It is important to replace the nutrients that you lose when this happens by eating nutrient-rich foods or taking supplements. You can also take steps to reduce sweating and urinating to a normal level.

  • Lack of Physical Activity

Tight muscles are a common cause of foot cramps, which is why it typically occurs with sudden movement such as stretching or during physical activity. Ironically, the best thing to do to keep your muscles loose and ready for movement is to exercise.

You can strengthen your foot muscles by using them more often. Walking or jogging can improve your foot health and minimize cramps. You might also want to start working out for a more holistic approach.

However, you should take it slow and easy at the beginning because straining your muscles can result in cramps, as well. You should also do exercise in moderation as fatigue can result in the same issue.

Causes of Foot Cramps

  • Underlying Health Problems

Medical conditions can cause foot cramps, especially those that affect this body part including diabetes, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, and anemia. Those that inhibit blood flow to the foot or nerve damage can also be the culprit. Make sure to consult a podiatrist for medical care.

The Bottom Line

Foot cramps can be painful and bothersome especially if it often happens. Now that you know how to treat and prevent it, you can start reducing its occurrence. Better yet, consult a foot doctor near you for reliable and medically sound treatments.

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